Thursday, October 26, 2023

The Killer's Climax

At the end of many horror movies, including Scream, just when you think the Killer was dead, they rise up one more time.  It seemed fitting then, to let our Ghostface pop up one last time at the climax of the story.

Hansel on FH:

Lights on Studio on ModelMayhem

Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Kept After School:

What's a teacher to do???

Kept After School
Bijou Class, 1982
Starring:  Hans Mueller, Steve Troy, 
Doug Mason, Buddy Hill, Mike Barnes, Jeff Hunter

What's a teacher to do?  You got stuck with after school detention duty, with three of the rowdies male students in the school.  Thankfully, things are quiet, at the beginning.  They're all reading comics and following the rules.  You're tired, it's been a long week, so you put your head on the desk and fall asleep.

It wakes you up, the sound first, the four guys have ditched their comics, dropped their jeans and enjoying themselves at the back of the classroom.

You want to tell them to stop, to get dressed and just go home, but it's already too late.  They're far too into their afterschool activity, and they want you to participate.  You know you shouldn't but there really isn't any choice but to join in.

I didn't upload the movie, but if you Google the film' title, many versions are available to watch on-line.

The movie is fine, but as usual, to me, the hottest part of the film are the promotional shots.

Friday, June 30, 2023

Bottom Line

Guys Gone Wild: Canadian Bacon

I never knew there was a Canadian edition of Guys Gone Wild, but when searching for Canadian themed content for Canada Day, I discovered 2011's Guys Gone Wild: Canadian Bacon.  I searched my usual haunts, but wasn't able to find a digital copy, or even a copy to order and buy in time.  I'll keep looking to maybe post more of in the future.

I did find one clip of the model Nicholas who is featured here.  Nicholas is incredibly hot and I was excited to post the caps and share the video clip.  In researching a bit more however, I discovered some sad news that had me going back and forth about whether to post or not.  

Nicholas was 19 at the time the video was made, but tragically died in a car crash just a few years later at the age of just 22.  I had the post completed when I read in one of the messages under the video of his sad passing.  I was initially not going to post at all, but decided I would add it to the Over Flow.  I'm still on the fence about whether it was a good idea, and may delete in the future, but in the end, I think most people do want to be remembered and Nicholas' smile is worth seeing and remembering.

Watching the video, especially the manipulation used by the 'attractive' female giving Nicholas' instructions, takes on a different meaning when you know he's now not with us.  In all the Guys Gone Wild videos, the camera operator and director seem to always be attractive females who help coerce the guys out of their pants. Of course many whip them off willingly of course, but the producers certainly knew what they were doing.

I added a clip below, but there is a longer version, with a happy ending with Nicholas back on the bed that I uploaded on SendSpace HERE: